Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment

Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment

Since 1996, PRO-FILTR Brno, s.r.o has been active in the field of industrial filtration and exhaustion by catching solid pollution particles, eliminating droplets from the air and also eliminating gaseous substances.

Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment

Since 1996, PRO-FILTR Brno, s.r.o has been active in the field of industrial filtration and exhaustion by catching solid pollution particles, eliminating droplets from the air and also eliminating gaseous substances.

Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment

Since 1996, PRO-FILTR Brno, s.r.o has been active in the field of industrial filtration and exhaustion by catching solid pollution particles, eliminating droplets from the air and also eliminating gaseous substances.

Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment 2

Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment

Since 1996, PRO-FILTR Brno, s.r.o has been active in the field of industrial filtration and exhaustion by catching solid pollution particles, eliminating droplets from the air and also eliminating gaseous substances.

Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment

Since 1996, PRO-FILTR Brno, s.r.o has been active in the field of industrial filtration and exhaustion by catching solid pollution particles, eliminating droplets from the air and also eliminating gaseous substances.

Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment

Since 1996, PRO-FILTR Brno, s.r.o has been active in the field of industrial filtration and exhaustion by catching solid pollution particles, eliminating droplets from the air and also eliminating gaseous substances.

Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment 3

Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment

Since 1996, PRO-FILTR Brno, s.r.o has been active in the field of industrial filtration and exhaustion by catching solid pollution particles, eliminating droplets from the air and also eliminating gaseous substances.

Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment

Since 1996, PRO-FILTR Brno, s.r.o has been active in the field of industrial filtration and exhaustion by catching solid pollution particles, eliminating droplets from the air and also eliminating gaseous substances.

Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment

Since 1996, PRO-FILTR Brno, s.r.o has been active in the field of industrial filtration and exhaustion by catching solid pollution particles, eliminating droplets from the air and also eliminating gaseous substances.

Engineering and production

Engineering and production

We deliver turnkey installations in various fields of industry according to the documentation of the customer or we can offer to create a design that will meet customer´s needs.

Engineering and production

We deliver turnkey installations in various fields of industry according to the documentation of the customer or we can offer to create a design that will meet customer´s needs.

Engineering and production

We deliver turnkey installations in various fields of industry according to the documentation of the customer or we can offer to create a design that will meet customer´s needs.

Engineering and production 2

Engineering and production

We deliver turnkey installations in various fields of industry according to the documentation of the customer or we can offer to create a design that will meet customer´s needs.

Engineering and production

We deliver turnkey installations in various fields of industry according to the documentation of the customer or we can offer to create a design that will meet customer´s needs.

Engineering and production

We deliver turnkey installations in various fields of industry according to the documentation of the customer or we can offer to create a design that will meet customer´s needs.

Engineering and production 3

Engineering and production

We deliver turnkey installations in various fields of industry according to the documentation of the customer or we can offer to create a design that will meet customer´s needs.

Engineering and production

We deliver turnkey installations in various fields of industry according to the documentation of the customer or we can offer to create a design that will meet customer´s needs.

Engineering and production

We deliver turnkey installations in various fields of industry according to the documentation of the customer or we can offer to create a design that will meet customer´s needs.

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About us

We have been manufacturing equipment for industrial filtration since 1996. During this period, we have been very successful in designing, constructing, manufacturing and assembling of this equipment on the Czech market. We carefully monitor the latest trends globally and transfer these observations into all our processes. In 2008, we attained our first ISO 9001 Certificate for quality management and we have been successful in maintaining this standard ever since.


Equipment and services for foundries

Adjustment of the melt dosage of the ingredients (additives) MODIFICATION OF MELT

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Production of industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment

Since 1996, PRO-FILTR Brno, s.r.o has been active in the field of industrial filtration and exhaustion...

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Engineering and production

We deliver turnkey installations in various fields of industry according to the documentation of the customer...

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Servicing and repairs

We offer servicing and repairs of all filtration and exhaustion equipment in industry, mainly the foundry...

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Spare parts

We offer spare parts for all industrial filtration and exhaustion equipment.

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We offer engineering by authorized experts, design and consultancy, project management and also to be your...

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